Baccharis dracunculifolia is used as an herbal medicine, and green propolis, synthesized by Apis mellifera bees from it, has inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial principles. This bee product is effective in combating a series of microorganisms in folk medicine, so it is essential to develop research to prove this effectiveness. The objectives of the work were to analyze the microbiological profile, dose the flavonoids and verify the plant's antioxidant activity. The aerial parts were collected in a fragment of cerrado sul-mato-grossense and processed, obtaining extracts with hexane, ethyl acetate and ethanol. For microbiological analysis, Staphylococcus aureus bacteria was seeded in agar and filter discs were soaked with the extracts and, together with the control group, were placed in Petri dishes for subsequent measurement of inhibition halos. To measure the flavonoids and evaluate the antioxidant activity, processed leaves were taken to Soxhlet for extraction in methanol. An aliquot was read in a spectrophotometer with different concentrations of quercetin to build a standard curve. The antioxidant assay was based on the radical reduction and development method using DPPH. As a result, all extracts showed inhibition of bacterial growth, indicating antimicrobial activity of the plant. Flavonoids with satisfactory antioxidant activity were also found. Taking into account that B. dracunculifolia is used as a medicinal plant, studies such as this one can corroborate with such use, since the scientific proof of possible herbal medicines is essential for the pharmaceutical industry and for health professionals, contributing to the evolution of medicine.
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research