1. State University of Management
Aim. The purpose of the work is to consider the concept of "personality mobility" as a concept of education that is significant in the context of a permanent futureshock.Methodology. The following methods were used: a) analysis of theoretical ideas about lifelong education, personal mobility, transdisciplinarity and continuity of education of a professional of the future; b) analysis of pedagogical and research experience in the field of modern education; c) local expert survey; d) content analysis of respondents' answers to open-ended questions.Results. Based on the study, the article presents a look at the purpose of education and knowledge in the life of a modern person acting in the information society. It is proved that continuous education is no longer an arbitrary choice of a person, but an imperative, not only social and economic, but physical, emotional, cultural.Research implications. Conclusions are drawn about the need in the context of "educational impact" to diagnose the temporal properties of the subject of learning, for example, in order to assess the appropriateness of a particular learning step, assess a person's readiness to present his level of learning, assess a particular stage of individual development in terms of sensitivity to the next portion knowledge, assessment of motivation, desire for the next "reset" and resumption of learning.
Moscow Regional State University
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