1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Aim. To analyze the election programs of non-parliamentary political parties as the key documents for understanding the party ideology, assessing its attitude to the actions of the authorities, as well as the actions procedure in case of election. Research objectives: to find out if there is a correlation between the volume of the party program and its result in the elections; to establish whether the amount and quality of descriptions of initiatives are related to the results of parties in elections; and, thirdly, to characterize the party programs based on the language features of writing programs.Methodology. The analysis of the programs of the political parties "Yabloko", "Russian Party of Freedom and Justice", "Motherland", "Pensioners Party", "New People" (at the time of the elections it was a non-parliamentary party), "Communist Party of Communists of Russia", "Green", "Green Alternative", "Civil Platform" as well as the manifesto of the party "Growth", which was used by the party as an election program, was carried out. The methods of studying documents, content analysis, and a comparative method are used in the paper.Results. It has been established that the best results among non-parliamentary political parties were achieved by those whose program volume is at least 10 thousand characters. It has been revealed that the number of initiatives included in the program for the voter is as important as the quality and detail of their description, and the linguistic features, identified through the analysis of frequently mentioned within the framework of the program of words, allow to give a basic description of the document as well as to determine the ideological and political features and directions of the party.Research implications of the article is in the comparison of the program documents of the parties with the election results, which makes it possible to identify the most successful strategies for compiling political documents.
Moscow Regional State University
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