Factors influencing Voluntary Tax Compliance Among Small and Medium sized Enterprises in Kenya


Chelangat Shirley


Tax compliance is essential for generating revenue to fund government activities and public services. Despite the efforts of the Kenyan Revenue Authority (KRA), compliance remains a challenge due to factors such as complex tax systems, high compliance costs, and negative taxpayer attitudes. The study examines the factors that influence voluntary tax compliance, including information availability, tax compliance costs, and individual attitudes and perceptions. It delves into tax compliance theories, such as the Contingency Theory of Taxation and the Ability to Pay Theory, shedding light on their impact on organizational behavior and financial performance. Empirical evidence from previous studies is discussed, highlighting the importance of tax education and the perception of tax fairness in promoting compliance. The study also identifies challenges specific to Kenya, such as a complex tax system, high compliance costs, and negative attitudes toward taxation, which hinder compliance, particularly among SMEs. It underscores the efforts made by the Kenyan Revenue Authority (KRA) to enhance compliance but acknowledges the persistence of challenges. The abstract concludes by emphasizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of tax compliance to ensure an equitable and efficient tax system that supports economic growth and national development in Kenya and other developing nations.  


Journal of Commercial Studies

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