Aim. To analyze the medical and demographic situation in Ukraine and Transcarpathian Region (Zakarpatska oblast) as a platform for comparing the changes that have taken place in the country as a whole and its region and the basis for the strategic planning of medical care.
Materials and Methods. The research materials were based on data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for the period from 2018 to 2020. The study used the following methods for statistical processing of materials: demographic one, medical statistics, statistical comparison, and generalization.
Results and Discussion. The analysis of data on the medical and demographic situation in Ukraine as a whole and in Transcarpathian Region alone showed a significant difference in the dynamics of the population change, its residence place, age, birth and death rates. Based on the results obtained, the development of a strategic plan for medical care necessitates addressing issues that are somehow related to the problems of demographic movement, birth rate, mortality, living conditions in order to overcome the negative trends in medical and demographic processes as well as to increase life expectancy in general. The data obtained during the study indicate the importance of using regional approaches in addressing afore-mentioned issues.
Conclusions. Assessing the data of the medical and demographic situation is the key to creating an effective strategic plan for the organization of medical care and making progress in improving community health.
Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
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