Liquefaction Potential Analysis in Bucharest City as a Result of the Ground Shaking during Strong Vrancea Earthquakes




Bucharest, the capital of Romania with about 2.5 million inhabitants, is frequently struck by intense, damaging earthquakes (2–3 events per century). The Collaborative Research Center 461 (CRC-461) entitled: “Strong Earthquakes - a Challenge of Geosciences and Civil Engineering” was established in July 1996 and ended in December 2007, but some projects continued until 2010. It was funded by the German Research Foundation and involved the University of Karlsruhe which today belongs to Karslruhe Institute of Technology. The CRC aimed strategic research in the field of strong earthquakes with regional focus on the Vrancea seismic events in Romania. Between 1995–2007 several research works were done in Romania, with the support of several Romanian research institutes and the University of Bucharest. One of the research questions was to study the occurring of liquefaction during strong earthquakes within the shallow sandy layers in Bucharest. In suitable conditions, strong earthquakes can cause, under certain geologic conditions, liquefaction and therewith ground failure as sand boils, lateral spreading, or differentiated subsidence. In the present paper we analyze the liquefaction risk for Bucharest. For this purpose, at 10 representative sites in Bucharest, Seismic Cone Penetration Tests (SCPTu) were executed. An area-wide evaluation of the liquefaction probability in Bucharest was established. The factor of safety (FS) against liquefaction and the probability of liquefaction (PL) were computed from the obtained test-data. For the first time, maps of the liquefaction potential index (Li) for Bucharest were outlined. This map shows how severe the liquefaction phenomena might be during strong Vrancea earthquakes in Bucharest, amplifying the site effects. Keywords: hydrogeologic conditions, liquefaction probability, liquefaction hazard, Bucharest city, strong Vrancea earthquakes


Athens Institute for Education and Research ATINER

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