1. Professor & HOD Department Of General Surgery VSSIMSAR, Burla
2. Assistant Professor Department Of General Surgery VSSIMSAR, Burla.
3. 2nd Year Post Graduate Department Of General Surgery VSSIMSAR, Burla
Gall stone is the most common risk factor for carcinoma gall bladder. The aim of this study nds out the
prevalence of malignancy in patients with Cholelithiasis. All the radiologically diagnosed cased of
cholelithiasis underwent surgery were taken into consideration. All the cases of cholelithiasis operated of in General Surgery
Department of VSSIMSAR, Burla were considered for study. The diagnosis conrmed by Ultrasonography /MRCP in
Department of Radio diagnosis. Total numbers of patients operated are 347, out of which 279 undergone laparoscopic surgery,
58 cases undergone open surgery and 10 cases converted from laparoscopic to open surgery. Most number of patients belongs
to age group 31-40, consisting of 32.85% of total number, followed by age group 41-50, and consisting of 25.07%. A female
patient constitutes about 77.81 % of total number. Male: female ratio is 1: 3.5. The mean age of the patients of study group is 41
.71. Mean age of female patients is 41.09 and male is 43.88, p value 0.072 (no signicant deference between mean of female and
male). The excised specimens sent for histopathological examination in Department of Pathology, VSSIMSAR, Burla. Out of
347 cases nine cases found to have carcinoma specically adenocarcinoma of gallbladder.
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