Jethalya Manu,Totla Saurabh
Background: Stomach is an important site for variety of lesions especially malignant tumours. Gastric biopsies along with clinical prole of cases
play an important role in the diagnosis of gastric neoplasm and therefore aids in early management. Aim and Objectives: To study the
histopathology of Gastric biopsies and correlate them with clinical presentation, age, sex and to differentiate them between neoplastic and non
neoplastic lesions. Materials and Methods: The prospective study was done in the Department of Pathology Geetanjali Medical College and
Hospital, Udaipur between 1stJanuary 2019 to 30thJune 2020. A total of 83 gastric biopsies were included in the study and were analyzed along
with their clinical proles. Results: A total of 83 gastric biopsies were included in the study. Most commonly affected age group was 50-69 years
with 41 patients (49.40%) followed by 40-49 years with 14(16.87%). Out of 83 cases, 58 (69.88%) were males & 25 (30.12%) were females, 26
(31.33%) cases were non neoplastic & 57 (68.67%) cases were neoplastic.Conclusion: The gastric biopsy not only permits exact diagnosis of
specic entity but also helps to plan for early medical or surgical therapy. The histopathological study detects mucosal lesions at an early stage
especially atrophy, metaplasia and dysplasia as to prevent progress of these lesions to invasive cancer.