
Nakhale Bhaurao D.1,Bhagat Jitendra P.2,Nugurwar Abhijit Y.3


1. Professor, Department of Medicine, Government Medical College, Jalgaon.

2. Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Government Medical College, Nagpur.

3. Physician, Sengupta Hospital and Research Centre, Nagpur.


Cardiovascular disease is the most important health issue facing mankind and continues to be major cause of morbidity and mortality.Women are disproportionately affected by coronary artery disease(CAD) compared with men.There are different clinical presentations of heart disease and acute myocardial infarction in women than in men.Also different studies shows that there is difference in the major cardiovascular risk factors amongst men and women at younger age.The present study was undertaken with a view to understand the clinical prole of acute myocardial infarction in women and observe the variations in acute myocardial infarction between men and women. Materials and methods-This observational and analytical study includes 118 female cases of acute myocardial infarction admitted to ICCU and randomly selected 118 male cases of acute myocardial infarction admitted to ICCU during the same tenure.Various necessary th investigations were carried out and risk factors of acute myocardial infarction were determined.All the cases were followed up on the 7 day of admission and one month after discharge from the hospital for various complications.Data thus collected was analysed at the end of study. Results-Maximum number of female cases were in age group 60-69 years(45.6%)while maximum number of male cases were in age group 50- 59 years(33.05%).Anterior wall myocardial infarction was the commonest type of acute myocardial infarction in both groups.ST elevation myocardial infarction was more common in males(94.9%)as compared to females(83.89%) whereas non ST elevation myocardial infarction was common in females(10%) as compared to males (5%).Atypical chest pain was more common in female cases(50.8%)whereas typical chest pain was more common with male cases(52.4%).Also dyspnoea as presenting symptom was signicantly more in female cases(51.6%)as compared to male cases(20.3%).Among the risk factors as Diabetes mellitus,signicant difference was observed in female(45.7%) vs male cases(30.5%).Other risk factors like lack of physical activity was signicantly more in female cases(84.7%) as compared to male cases(50%).Central obesity and family history of CAD were more common in female cases . 42(35.6%) female cases had arrthymias during hospital stay as compared to 50(42.4%) male cases.Post MI angina was present in 21 (20.38%) female cases and 12(11.11%) male cases during one month follow up.Mortality was more common in female cases(12.7%) compared with the male cases(8.47%)but it was not statistically signicant. Females suffer from coronary artery disease slightly at older age Conclusions- as compared to males.Atypical chest pain and dyspnoea are more common presenting symptoms in females compared to males.Diabetes mellitus,central obesity, lack of physical activity and family history of CAD are most common risk factors in female cases for acute myocardial infarction.ST elevation myocardial infarction is less common in females as compared to males.Complications like congestive cardiac failure ,arrthymias are more common in females as compared to males.The overall mortality with acute myocardial infarction are common in females than males.


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