1. Senior lecturer, Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences
2. Professor, Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences
3. Reader Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences
Introduction: Maxillomandibular xation has been done using Erich arch bar for decades but it has its
own disadvantages like gingival trauma, poor oral hygiene, wire prick injuries, time consuming. To
overcome this modied Erich arch bar has been discovered but lack of literature on the use of modied Erich arch bar makes it
questionable. Therefore, the present observational study focuses on application modied arch bar for maxillomandibular
xation. This observational study was conducted on 50 patients that required MMF and receivedMaterials and Methods:
intermaxillary xation (IMF) with modied Erich arch bars. The parameters recorded were average surgical time required, wire
prick injuries, IMF stability, occlusal stability, screw loosening, oral hygiene status, and vitality response of the teeth. The
variables were statistically analyzed and displayed in means of percentage and numbers. The wire prick injury wasResults:
found to be only 4 episodes, intraoperative time in average was around 8minutes. Debris indices were found to be mild in all the
cases(average=0.65). No vitality response of tooth was around 5 in numbers. The modied Erich arch bar couldconclusion:
be a best alternative for conventional Erich bar but clinical trials are required to know about the efciency of modied Erich arc
bar over conventional Erich bar.