1. Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Supreme speciality Hospital Padur, Chennai Tamilnadu India-603103
BACKGROUND Hemophilia is a rare bleeding disorder which is due to the deciency of a coagulation protein- the most
important factor VIII.The incidence of Hemophilia- A is 1 in 5000 male births. This is a case report on an antenatal mother,
who is a known case of Hemophilia-A, carrier admitted for safe connement. CASE PRESENTATION : We report a case of 37-year-old
G4P2L1A1 at 38 weeks and 4 days period of gestation, a Hemophilia- A carrier was admitted for safe connement.She had family history of
Hemophilia-A. All her three off-springs had Hemophilia-A. The patient was taken up for an Elective Caesarian section and she delivered an aliveterm boy baby. The baby was advised by the Paediatric Hematologist to review at the age of 6 months for factor VIII assay. In CONCLUSION:
some parts of developing countries like India reducing the mortality rate of Hemophilia is still a hindrance due to the scarce availability of
healthcare facilities and poor follow-up. When we diagnose Hemophilia, we should include the family history, active carrier status, clinical
manifestations as well as laboratory testing. There should be equal coordination between the Obstetrician, Hematologist, Immunologist, Genetics
department, and Psychologist.
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