
Washimkar Sunil1,Parikh Rohan2,Rajput Atul Singh3,Deshmukh Pradeep4


1. MD Medicine DNB Cardiology FACC, Associate Professor,Dept of Cardiology,GMC SSH Nagpur,India.

2. MD Medicine DM Cardiology

3. MD Medicine DM Cardiology PGDGM, Assistant Professor, Dept of Cardiology, GMC SSH Nagpur,India.

4. MD Medicine DM Cardiology DNB CardiologyProfessor and Head,Dept of Cardiology, GMC & SSH,Nagpur.


Aim:To study clinical and epidemiological parameters of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and to follow them up for understanding outcomes of procedure. Materials & methods:This is retrospective data analysis of 862 patients who underwent PCI from January 2016 to November 2017 Results: Out of 862 patients, 611 (70.88%) were male & 251 (29.12%) were female, with mean age being 55. 243 (28.19%) were diabetic, 470 (54.52%) were hypertensive, 158 (18.32%) patients were tobacco chewer, 215 (24.92%) were smokers & 111 (12.87%) were alcoholic. 636 (73.78%) patients had STEMI, 153 (17.74%) had NSTE-ACS, 61 (7.07%) had CSA.578 (67.05%) were SVD, 262 (30.39%) were DVD & 19 (2.20%) were TVD. Out of SVD, 350 (60.55%) patients had LAD involvement and among DVD patients, LAD & RCA were most commonly involved in 107 (40.83%) patients. On follow-up of mean 604.42 days (minimum 236 days, maximum 909 days), 2 (0.23%) episodes of subacute stent thrombosis occurred & 11 (1.27%) patients had ISR but no mortality was reported. Summary: The study shows affection of young population predominately and gender inequality suggesting primarily male disease. PCI is often sought in ACS and CSAis predominately treated medically. Thrombolysis still remains the rst treatment received by STEMI patients. SVD is the most common angiographic diagnosis with LAD predominately affected vessel. This real world-data on clopidogrel with aspirin as dual antiplatelet therapy and second generation stent shows negligible event of stent thrombosis & ISR. Limitation: Due to non-invasive follow-up, exact amount of stent restenosis can not be calculated. Impact on daily practice: This real world-data on clopidogrel with aspirin as dual anti-platelet therapy and second generation stent shows negligible event of stent thrombosis & ISR. This can help reduce cost burden on society and help better distribution of health budget.


World Wide Journals

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