1. CMR College of Pharmacy, JNTUH (Afliation), Doctor of Pharmacy
2. CMR College of Pharmacy, JNTUH (Afliation), Assistant Professor- Doctor of Pharmacy
Phenytoin-induced organicity along with vitamin D deciency is a rare adverse drug reaction that is observed upon long-term usage of phenytoin.
We present a case of a 35-year-old female who presented with seizures, nausea, vomiting, irritability, mild gingival hypertrophy, and altered
sensorium. Based on her clinical presentation a provisional diagnosis of meningoencephalitis was made. However, after further evaluation, it was
observed that the patient has epilepsy and had been taking antiepileptics (phenytoin 100 mg/BD) for the previous 30 years, and based on her
condition she was diagnosed with chronic phenytoin toxicity. The patient's condition improved after phenytoin withdrawal but, she remained
irritable, so she was referred to a psychiatrist, and they determined that she had developed organicity and treated her accordingly. After 3 weeks of
phenytoin withdrawal, the complete recovery of the patient was observed. We decided to report this case because of the uncommon presentation of
this rare intoxication.
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