Sarohi Monica,Mardi Kavita
Introduction- Milan system is an evidence based system derived from the literature which correlates diagnostic categories with risk of malignancy
and clinical management strategies. The goals of this system were to standardize salivary gland cytology reporting across institutions and provide a
framework for guiding clinical management. It is a tier based classication having six diagnostic categories. The conventional system was used for
diagnosis before the advent of Milan system. In this study, FNAC done for all sa Material and methods- livary gland lesions over a period of two
years from 2018 - 2020 in department of pathology, IGMC Shimla are included. All cases are categorized according to MSRSGC and correlated
with histopathological follow up wherever available. We calculated the sensitivity, specicity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value
and diagnostic accuracy of FNA using the Milan system. We also calculated the ROM was for each category. All the cases were Results:
categorized as per MSRSGC and were 14%, 45.4%, 0%, 31.4%, 0.6%, 0.6% and 8% in category I, II, III, IVA, IVB, V and VI respectively. ROM for
category I, II, IVA, IVB, V and VI was 0%, 0%, 2.6%, 0%, 100% and 87.5% respectively. The sensitivity, specicity, positive predictive value,
negative predictive value and diagnostic accuracy was 98.51%, 66.67%, 98.51%, 66.67% and 97.14% respectively. Milan system is an Discussion:
effective tool for diagnosing salivary gland lesions. It offers advantages over the conventional system such as risk of malignancy, management
options for each category and a better communication both institute wise and between clinicians and cytopathologists.