
Shabana P.1,Latha R. Asha2,Riyaz N. M. Riyaz3


1. Assistant Professor, Dept. of OBG, Govt. Medical College & govt. General Hospital, Anantapuramu.

2. Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, SVMC, Tirupati.

3. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, Govt. Medical College, Anantapuramu.


Background:Induction of labour is the process of initiating the labour by articial means post 24 weeks of gestation. This study was undertaken to compare the efcacy and safety of vaginal Misoprostol [25-50ug] with intracervical Dinoprostone gel (0.5mg) for induction of labour at term in terms of efcacy of drug, feto-maternal outcome, side effects and complications of drugs. Methods: 400 nulliparas at term admitted in the OBG ward were included in this study. They were randomly allocated to two groups A& B. Group A (200 women) received tablet Misoprostol 25 micrograms vaginally 4 hrly to a maximum of 3 doses and Group B (200 women) received Dinoprostone gel 0.5mg intracervically 6 hrly to a maximum of 3 doses. Comparison was done in terms of induction to delivery interval, rates of instrumental and LSCS delivery, need for NICU care and cost-effectiveness. ADRs, if any were documented and proper care taken. Results: The mean induction to delivery interval was less in the Misoprostol group than Dinoprostone group (12 hrs vs. 22 hrs). 82% patients delivered in the rst 24 hrs in Misoprostol group compared to 54 % patients in Dinoprostone group. Group A had a higher success rate (80% vs.75%) and also required less augmentation of labor ( 35% vs. 65%) compared to group B. Need for LSCS was also lower in Misoprostol group (13% vs. 18%). Need for instrumentation and incidence of NICU admission was similar in both groups. Misoprostol was more cost effective compared to Dinoprostone. Conclusions: The Misoprostol group had a shorter induction to delivery interval, more number of deliveries in the rst 24 hrs of induction and a reduced need of augmentation of labor with oxytocin. There was no signicant difference in the rate of caesarean section, hyper-stimulation syndrome, neonatal and maternal morbidity between the two groups. Thus, Misoprostol appears to be safer, cheaper and more efcacious alternative for induction of labor especially for non-fetal indications as compared to Dinoprostone gel.


World Wide Journals

Reference20 articles.

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