1. Senior Resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gajara Raja Medical College, Gwalior (M.P.).
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gajara Raja Medical College, Gwalior (M.P.).
Introduction: Although labor is a natural physiological process characterized by progressive increase in frequency, intensity and duration of
uterine contractions, resulting in effacement and dilatation of cervix, with descent of the fetus through the birth canal, this physiologic process
many a time may lead to prolonged labor. The partograph developed by World Health Organization is the best-known partograph in the lowresource setting. Partograph when used with dened management protocol is an inexpensive tool which can effectively monitor labor and be
helpful in reducing incidences of both maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality by reducing the number of operative interventions, prolonged
labor, obstructed labor and caesarean section. Then WHO in 1994 endorsed the partogram and later modied in 2000 and removed latent phase and
dened active phase at 4 centimetres instead of previously used 3 centimetres. WHO advocated its use as a necessary tool in management of labor
and recommended its universal use during labor. Objective: To analyse the patterns of labor amongst spontaneous parturient using a WHO
modied partogram and to compare outcome of labor and neonatal outcomes in relation to partogram ndings. Methods: This prospective study
was carried over a period of 18 months on 100 parturients. Modied WHO Partogram was used to assess the progress of the labor. Parturients were
divided on basis of partogram ndings. Group-I (n=64), where parturients partogram remained to the left of alert line, Group-II (n=20), where
parturients partogram remained between the alert and action lines and Group-III (n=16), where parturients partogram crossed the action line. In
these three groups, the maternal and fetal outcomes were assessed. Results: Normal vaginal delivery was done in 95.3% of Group-I, 80% of
Group-II and 43.75% of Group-III parturients. Instrumental delivery was done in 1.56% of Group-I, 10% of Group-II and 18.75% of Group-III
parturients. LSCS was done in 3.1% of Group-I, 10% of Group-II and 37.5% of Group-III parturients. Instrumental / LSCS deliveries were higher
in Group-II and Group-III parturients. Alarge proportion of newborns of Group-II and Group-III parturients had Apgar Score <7. Conclusion: The
Modied WHO partogram is very helpful in the prediction of maternal and fetal outcome. It is highly recommended for use in resource decient
medical facilities, where early decision for delivery or referral can be taken on the basis of partogram ndings..