1. Assistant Professor of Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics at Burdwan Dental College and Hospital
2. Assistant Professor of Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics at Burdwan Dental College and Hospital.
3. Associate Professor of Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics at Burdwan Dental College and Hospital.
Introduction- Alignment and leveling has been dene as “The tooth movement needed to achieve passive engagement of a plain arch wire of
0.019x0.025 dimension having standard arch form in to a correctly placed 0.022˝ bracket system.''Anchorage is an important consideration in the
alignment and leveling stage of orthodontic treatment. Loss of anchorage during this stage is to be considered in the three planes of space. Aims and
objectives - Three dimensional assessment of the position of skeletally anchored rst molar teeth and three dimensional assessment of the position
of rst molar teeth anchored with conventional trans palatal arch using lateral cephalogram and study models, at the end of leveling and alignment
stage of xed orthodontic mechanotherapy and its comparison with pretreatment position.Utimately to nd out by comparing the above
measurements whether skeletally anchored molars offer more anchorage than molars anchored with conventional transpalatal arches. Materials
and methods- These 30 patients were asked to participate in this study out of which 20 consented. All pre-treatment(T ) patient records were made: o
study models, standard lateral cephalograms (Satlec – Pano D), extra oral and intra oral photograph. Miniscrew anchored transpalatalarch
(MATPA) was placed in 12 patients(group I) and conventional transpalatal arch in 8 patients (group II). 0.022” stainless steel M.B.T. prescription
brackets and tubes ( Nu- Edge, TP Orthodontics) were used and treatment mechanics described by Mc. Laughin, Bennet and Trevisi were followed
in all patients. Result - This study attempted a 3-dimensional assessment of molar movement during alignment and leveling stage. The mini screw
anchored trans palatal arch (MATPA) was found to offered better anchorage than the conventional trans palatal arch (TPA) .In the sagittal plane
angular and linear measurements were found to have signicantly changed after leveling and alignment for conventional TPA group whereas no
signicant difference were found in MATPA group. In the vertical plane, the perpendicular distance of the mesiobuccal cusp tip to the platal plane
was found to be signicantly changed in conventional TPA group whereas no signicant change was measured in MATPA group. ConclusionMiniscrew anchored trans palatal arch offered better anchorage control of maxillary rst molar teeth in sagittal, vertical and transverse plane,
during the leveling & alignment stage of xed orthodontic mechanotherapy, when compared with conventional trans palatal arch.