1. Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences And Hospital, Jammu.
2. Medical Ofcer, Department of Pathology, Government Medical College, Jammu.
3. Professor And Head, Department Of Pathology, Government Medical College, Jammu.
INTRODUCTION Proteinuria inuences the rate of progression of CKD. Persistent proteinuria is a the
signal indication of glomerular lesion.It also may play a central role in the progression of glomerular
lesions to later stages of CKD.The prevalence of proteinuria on a single test of urine is estimated to be 5-15%.
MATERIAL AND METHOD Data was collected on urine protein examination fromMay 2018 to June 2021 of all the patients less
then 16 years in a tertiary medical centre. During this 3 year period , 15320 children received urinalysis and their medical
records for age of presentation, clinical diagnosis,duration of symptoms and renal function were noted.
RESULTS During this 3 year period , 15320 children received urinalysis,which included 8618 boys (43.4%) and 11202 girls
(56.6%), all aged less 16 years. Of these 15320 children, 3604 (18.1%) had HYPERLINK "https:// www. science direct. com/
topics/ medicine-and-dentistry/proteinuria"proteinuria on at least one occasion. 742 children had persistant proteinuria
.Among 742 cases, 322 cases presented with mild proteinuria,328 with moderate persistant proteinuria while 92 presented with
serve persistant proteinuria. Among moderate proteinuria , sepsis was the most commom cause comprising 115 cases of the
total 341, followed by steroid dependent nephritic syndrome cases (31 cases). For severe proteinuria cases, sepsis,SD
nephrotic syndrome ,RPGN,SLE were recorded as the most important cases.
CONCLUSION This study concluded that assessing those children with persistent proteinuria is crucial as substantial of them develop
HYPERLINK ""chronic kidney disease and
many clinical diseases other than primary renal disease also had renal involvement and manifest as proteinuria initially.