1. Post Graduate Resident in General Surgery Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad, T.S.
Dermoid and epidermoid cysts are ectoderm lined cysts with 7% occurring in the head and neck region 3,4 , most often in
the submental region. A case of a 24 year old patient with submental swelling , diagnosed as a thyroglossal duct cyst on
clinical examination , radiologically and cytology appearing like a dermoid cyst. Excision biopsy was done , showing it to be an epidermoid cyst.
Differential diagnosis of these midline swellings is necessary , as there are signicant variations on clinical , cytological and radiological
assessment , biopsy being the nal and conrmatory method of assessment.Therefore, it is considered superior for a conrmatory diagnosis of
midline neck swellings.
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