
Singh Santosh Kumar1,Singh Jitendra Kumar2,Chowdhary Bhasker3,Singh Rahul2,Patil Ravi Raj4,Singh Rohit4


1. Assistant Professor, PG Department of General Surgery, M.L.N. Medical College, Prayagraj

2. Associate Professor, PG Department of General Surgery, M.L.N. Medical College, Prayagraj

3. Junior Resident, PG Department of General Surgery, M.L.N. Medical College, Prayagraj.

4. Junior Resident, PG Department of General Surgery, M.L.N. Medical College, Prayagraj


Background: Gossypiboma refers to incidences of retained foreign bodies usually forgotten within the abdominal cavity at the end of an operation. It may be a surgical sponge, gauze pad, or other forms of textiles, instruments. Aims and objective: To try and identify the factors which are responsible for the formation of Gossypiboma. Material and method: A Retrospective study was carried out in patients presented with postop (following open surgery) complications; diagnosis is made first followed by looking into possible causative factors. Results: In our study of 900 patients (age group>20 yrs; underwent open surgery in past); Out of 900 patients included in the study, it was found that 5 patients were found to have retained foreign objects in the abdomen. Among four patients two were operated for caesarian-section, one for open cholecystectomy, and one underwent laparotomy for intestinal perforation. The Surgical safety checklist was not being followed in all five cases; the adequacy and compatibility of OT staff was questionable in 2 cases. Conclusion: By following standard surgical protocol of Surgical safety checklist along with proper teamwork (good rapport and communication among the dedicated OT staffs and operating surgeon); allocation of ample working hours; regular teaching and training of OT staff personnel about the maintenance of standard surgical protocols and finally addressing the consequences of legal repercussions as well as ignominy faced by hospital administration; such rarely occurring incidences can be minimized to never happening incidence. Keywords: Gossypiboma, Mops, Sponge, Surgical safety checklist.


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