1. PG Student 3 Year, Department of Surgery, S.S.M.C. & Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Rewa.
2. M.S., Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, S.S.M.C. & Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Rewa.
3. M.S., Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, S.S.M.C. & Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Rewa.
Introduction: Liver abscess can be dened as an infectious space occupying lesion of the liver. As India is a one of the tropical countries and home
to 400 million people harboring E. histolytica, the causative organism of amoebic liver abscess, it is important to thoroughly understand of the liver
abscess. It is caused by Entamoeba histolytica infestation. 3-9% Patients with amoebiasis may have amoebic liver disease. The amoebic liver tumor
is more common in males but the pyogenic liver tumor has similar incidence of sex.
Methods: Approximate 100 cases, above 14 years of age, irrespective of sex, getting admitted through SOPD, casualty or transferred from other
department diagnosed as liver abscess or based on clinical suspicion, during the period of study were included in the study. All patients were
thoroughly examined and case sheets were written in same set pattern to facilitate later comparison and written consent was obtained from all the
patients for our study.
Result: Mean age of our study group (cases) was found to be 43.45. Male: female ratio was found to be 6.12:1. The various parameters used in our
study for develop scoring system are: age >50 years, duration of onset, history of alcoholism ( 5to 10 years or more than 10 years), total leukocyte
count(>15000/cumm), bilirubin(>1.5mg/dl), INR(>1.5), total Sr. albumin(,3gm/dl), number of abscess cavity, total volume of cavity, pleural
effusion if present on xray, diabetic status. Each parameter was assigned one point except for history of alcoholism more than 10 years, total
leukocyte count >15000/cumm and multiple abscesses each of which was given 0 to 2 points..
Conclusion: Scoring systems can be introduced in any institution and can be incorporated into the management protocols of liver abscess.
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