1. Baku, Azerbaijan, National Centre of Ophthalmology named after acad. Zarifa Aliyeva
Purpose - to evaluate the results of a comparative retrospective analysis of the clinical material of patients with uveal
glaucoma (UG) based on the materials of the National Centre of Ophthalmology named after acad. Zarifa Aliyeva and
branches of the Centre.
Material And Methods- A retrospective analysis of the clinical material was 1172 patients over the age of 18 years with uveitis and UG
according to the ve-year data of the National Centre of Ophthalmology named after acad. Zarifa Aliyeva, Masalli, Ganja branches and the data
of the Sheki branch for two years of its functioning. Research methods: ophthalmic, laboratory, general clinical, statistical.
Results- The absolute number of patients with uveal pathology was 1172 (47.9% in the acute stage, 52.1% in the chronic stage). Out of all 1172
patients diagnosed with Uveitis, 581 (49.6%) were diagnosed with uveal ocular hypertension (UOH). There was no statistical difference when
comparing the frequency of detection of UOH depending on the stage of the inammatory process. Basically, out of 581 patients UOH was found
with anterior uveitis (78.7%). Due to the use of special research methods (gonioscopy, tonometry, perimetry, optical coherence tomography,
Heidelberg retinotomography), when changes in the optic nerve disc and the visual eld were detected, uveal glaucoma has been diagnosed. UG
out of all 1172 patients was found in 134 patients (11.4%), mainly in the chronic stage of the uveal process (67.2%). Despite persistent
recommendations to patients at risk of developing UG about the need for re-treatment, in the overwhelming majority cases of late visits of
patients in the stage of already advanced glaucoma were recorded - 40.3%, requiring radical surgical treatment to eliminate late organic
secondary complications of uveitis.
Conclusion- In order to detect and treat UG in a timely manner, regular dynamic monitoring of patients with UOH is required both in the acute
and in the chronic stages of the inammatory process of the vascular tract.