1. Consultant, JLNHRC, Bhilai (C.G.)
2. Resident, JLNHRC, Bhilai (C.G.).
3. HOD, Depart. Of Surgery. JLNHRC, Bhilai (C.G.).
4. Resident, JLNHRC, Bhilai( C.G.).
INTRODUCTION: Incisional hernia, a failure of the abdominal wall fascia to heal, is a common postoperative complication following
abdominal surgery with an incidence varying between 2% and 50%. Incisional hernia entails signicant morbidity and discomfort resulting in
disturbances in day to day activities. In spite of various available techniques available to surgeon, these hernias recur leading the surgeon to search
for an ideal procedure of their repair with preferably zero or universally acceptable minimal recurrence rate. Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair,
controversy has endured despite of numerous studies and data suggesting success of laparoscopic incisional hernia repair. However, there is
relative lack of evidence to support adoption of laparoscopic repair as standard technique in regard to post operative morbidity and cost
AIMS AND OBJECTIVE: To compare open and laparoscopic incisional hernia repair technique with respect to the post-operative complications
and perioperative morbidity.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is prospective, observational, comparative study, comparing patients who underwent laparoscopic
incisional hernia and open incisional hernia repair during study period of November 2015 to August 2017 in Department of General Surgery, J.L.N.
Hospital and Research centre, Bhilai.
STATISTICAL METHOD: Data is analyse using percentages , mean and standard deviation. Continuous variable analysed by Unpaired T-test.
Categorical data analyzed using chi square test or Fisher exact test.
CONCLUSION: In our study laparoscopic incisinal hernia repair has more favourable outcome in terms of less hospital stay, shorter duration of
surgery, less post-operative pain, early to resume daily activity and lesser wound related complications.