1. ‘‘Tor Vergata” University of Rome School of Medicine and Surgery “Oral Surgery” Specialization
2. Director and chief, ‘‘Tor Vergata” University of Rome School of Medicine and Surgery “Oral Surgery” Specialization
Both recent progresses reached in molecular genetics and “Genoma Umano” project have collected positive results for the
identication of those different genes involved in pathogenesis of human race pathologies. Just like any other medicine
branch, dentistry could prot from molecular biology recent progresses, showing several answers to unknown questions. This knowledge also
concerns genesis of pathologies interesting tissues (enamel, dentin, pulp, cementum), teeth formation and development.
Our work aims at verifying, by means of a literature review, the current knowledge and the state of art of dental agenesis molecular bases, in order
to better understand the etiopathogenetic role of inheritance and transmission of hypodontia.
Our literature review elaborates on dental agenesis biomolecular bases, in order to group in one review all the new ndings in genetic eld about
dental anomalies, attempting to give the clinician more information to make easier to manage one of the most discussed surgical dental pathology.