1. Professor And Head Of Department Oral Medicine And Radiology Govt Dental College, Srinagar, J&k.
2. Post Graduate Student Govt Dental College Srinagar
Objective:Evaluation of reduction of pain using transelectric nerve stimulation (TENS) and ultra sound therapy in
reduction of pain in temporomandibular joint disorders.Background: Common signs and symptoms involve mainly
TMJ and masticatory muscles, Patients usually manifest pain in preauricular region, Joint click, Joint crepitus and restricted jaw movements.
There is no well dened etiology or a single contributing factor although several associated factors have been identied as malocclusion, trauma,
emotional stress, and par functional habits (e.g bruxism). Methodology: The study included a total of 30 patients who visited our OPD at PG
Department of Oral medicine and Radiology ,Govt Dental College Srinagar during period(2020-2021) .Included patients were irrespective of
Gender , were in age group 20-30 years, presented with signs and symptoms of pain in masticatory muscles being inclusion criteria, Patients
were excluded on the basis of having any recent tmj dislocation , Hairy surfaces , radiculopathy or any other neurogical decits A Procedure :
total of 30 patients were selected , falling in our inclusion criteria , study and procedure is explained to them , the patients are advised to not take
any analgesic drugs during this time ,Subjects are randomly divided into two groups Group A: TENS recived for a duration of 15 min Group B:
Recived a continous mode of ultrasound of 3Hz for a duration of 5 min , after 4 weeks , VAS score of pain is taken again. Results: there was
signicant difference in mean values of VAS scoring between group A and group B , mean of group B being more than group A Conclusion :
Hence in our study we conclude ultrasound is more effective compared to TENS in pain reduction for temporomandibular joint disorders.
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