1. Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Government Medical College Nizamabad Telangana -503001
2. Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Government Medical College Nizamabad Telangana -503001
BACKGROUND: Soft tissue tumours constitute a large and heterogeneous group of neoplasms. Most soft tissue tumors
in the upper extremity are benign, and soft tissue sarcomas are rare in the hand and wrist. Supercial soft-tissue masses
are among the most common indications for imaging of the extremities. A broad array of benign and malignant processes may be manifested in
palpable cutaneous or subcutaneous masses or nodules. In tertiary care set up both imaging and FNAC can play a vital role in preliminary
diagnosis of soft tissue lesions of the extremities by differentiating them from cutaneous vs. non cutaneous, osseous vs. non osseous tumors.
METHODS: A prospective study was conducted in the Department of Pathology, Government general hospital Nizamabad, Telangana ,during
March 2017 to March 2019 that evaluated 50 patients with history of swelling in upper and lower limb had been evaluated . Detailed history,
thorough clinical examination, Imaging, Fine needle aspiration cytology was performed in all the 50 Patients. Aspiration smears were stained
with Hematoxylin and Eosin and microscopic examination done.
RESULT: The patients aged from 10 to 75 years, average age at presentation was 41.2 yrs. Of total 50 cases 27 were upper limb (54%) and
23(46%) were lower limb lesions. Of both upper limb and lower limb lesions, Lipoma constituted most common lesion 20 cases(40%) with 16
cases of total 27 cases in upper limb (59%) making it most common benign soft tissue lesion in the upper limb. 4 cases(8%) out of 50 cases were
diagnosed as spindle cell lesion undetermined/sarcoma and advised histo-pathological evaluation.
CONCLUSION: A detailed evaluation of patients presenting with swelling in the upper and lower limb coupled with imaging and FNAC, in
establishing the diagnosis required for further follow action was done. In most of the cases imaging coupled with FNAC gave better results but in
some it required histo-pathological evaluation. FNAC was found to be an better modality for preliminary diagnosis along with radiology in
decision making process for further surgical approach.
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