1. Principal,Hari Jyot College of Optometry, Navsari.
2. Master of Optometry.
3. Chief Medical Ofcer, Rotary Eye Institute, Navsari.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has proved to be valuable in the detection of glaucomatous
damage. With its high resolution and proven measurement reproducibility, OCT has the potential to
become an important tool for glaucoma detection. This manuscript presents the capabilities of the OCT technology evaluate
retinal nerve ber layer thickness in normal and glaucoma patients
Method: -A prospective, non-randomized, observational cross-sectional study was done at Rotary eye hospital, Navsari, from
September 2019 to March 2020. Groups were divided in Control and glaucoma group and further Glaucoma patients were also
subdivided in to Glaucoma Suspect, OHT, NTG and POAG. Patient went under comprehensive examination and selected
patient went undergone measuring average retinal nerve ber layer thickness (RNFL) was by using ZEISS CIRRUS HD OCT.
Results: - In overall 120 eyes of patients, 60 eyes of control group & 60 eyes of glaucoma groups were analysed. The average
RNFL measurement were signicantly thinner in glaucoma group with compared control groups were 80±14 and 89±12,
(P<0.01). All four quadrant RNFL thickness were analysed in Glaucoma Suspect, OHT, NTG and POAG which was statistically
highly signicant. Superior quadrant RNFL thickness among groups were
105±17, 112±16, 90±17 and 85±18 m respectively (p= < 0.01).Mean RNFL thickness showed a decrease in thickness from
Non-Glaucoma to Primary Open angle glaucoma (POAG) shows statistically signicant difference.
Conclusions: OCT is important instrument for measuring RNFL thickness. Study shows difference in normal and glaucoma
patients and different types of glaucoma patients. OCT measurement will help in early detection of glaucoma as well as in
keeping an eye on progression of glaucoma.