1. SR, Dept of Pediatrics, Midnapore Medical College and Hospital
2. Assistant Professor, Dept of Pediatrics, Midnapore Medical College and Hospital.
3. Assistant Professor RGKar Medical College and Hospital.
4. RMO cum Clinical Tutor, Dept of Pediatrics, Midnapore Medical College and Hospital
Introduction: Urinary tract infection is the most common bacterial infection in childhood and upto 30% of infants and children experience
recurrent infections during the rst 6 to 12 months after initial UTI. Urinary tract infections (UTI) imply invasion of urinary tract by pathogens,
which may involve the upper or lower urinary tract depending on the infection in the kidney or bladder and urethra.
Aims And Objectives: Children presenting with UTI by Ultrasonography, MCU and / or DMSA depending on the child's age. structural
abnormalities and the presence of VUR if any in children with UTI by USG, MCU and DMSAscan in indicated cases.
Materials And Methods: The study was conducted in the Pediatrics ward of Midnapore Medical College and Hospital. This is a tertiary care
centre. Pediatric patients from different districts of West Bengal are referred to our Institute. All pediatric patients from 3 months to 12 years of age
patients with a diagnosis of, either rst episode or recurrent UTI admitted at Midnapore Medical College and Hospital. Our study was an
Observational, Prospective study. All the pediatric patients fullling the inclusion criteria, admitted to the hospital during the study period was
enrolled for the study.
Result And Analysis: We found in abnormal DMSA, the mean age (mean±s.d.) of children was 21.9375 ± 29.1398 years. In normal DMSA, the
mean age (mean±s.d.) of children was 24.7321 ± 18.3179. In not required DMSA, the mean age (mean±s.d.) of children was 97.1667 ± 21.9855.
Distribution of mean age in years vs. DMSAwas statistically signicant (p<0.0001). In abnormal DMSA,
Conclusion: Even a normal USG report does not rule out dysfunctional bladder as we have had 3 children aged 19 months, 6 months and 26 months
who had normal USG ndings but clear evidence of VUR on MCU of grades 2 ,4 and 1 respectively.
In conclusion, abnormal US may carry a higher probability of grades III-VVUR and RS, and can affect the management in a signicant number of
children hospitalized with UTI.