1. Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Diphu Medical College, Diphu, Karbi Anglong,Assam,India
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Diphu Medical College, Diphu, Karbi Anglong,Assam,India
3. Professor, Department of Pathology, Gauhati Medical College, Guwahati, Assam,India
4. Principal,MGM Medical College and LSK Hospital,Kishanganj,India
5. Principal,Lakhimpur Medical College,Lakhimpur,Assam,India
6. Associate Professor,Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College,Barpeta,Assam, India
INTRODUCTION: The islets of Langerhans may contain a few cells or many hundreds of polygonal cells arranged in
short irregular cords that are abundantly invested with a network of fenestrated capillaries to produce a hormone with
glucose-lowering effect. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The descriptive and cross-sectional study was done in the
Department of Anatomy, Forensic Medicine& Pathology of Gauhati Medical College, Guwahati based on collection of
103 human pancreas aging from 13 to 78 years of both sexes.The collected samples were divided into group A (10-19
years),B (20-29 years),C (30-39 years),D (40-49 years),E (50-59 years),F (60-69 years) and G (≥70 years).Measurement
of five slides selected from head, body and tail region were examined under 400 magnification. RESULTS AND
OBSERVATION:The differences between the diameter of pancreatic islets for head part were statistically significant in
A vs B,A vs D,A vs E,A vs F,A vs G,B vs D,B vs E,B vs F,B vs G, C vs E,C vs F,C vs G,F vs G in body part A vs B,A vs C,A vs F,
A vs G,B vs C,B vs D,B vs E,B vs F,B vs G,C vs G,D vs G,E vs G and F vs G.and in tail part between A vs B,A vs C,A vs D,A vs
E, A vs F, A vs G, B vs C, B vs D, B vs E, B vs G, C vs E, C vs F, C vs G, D vs F, D vs G, E vs F , E vs G and F vs G region.
CONCLUSIONS:In the 3 region it was found that in the both extremities of life the diameter of islets of Langerhans was
gradually decreased as age increases. Larger samples and advanced procedures in case of normal and abnormal
population like people with diabetes disease for further studies may recommended.