1. Department of General Surgery, JNMC, KLES Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Belagavi, India.
Intestinal malrotation is partial or complete failure of 270% counterwise rotation of midgut around the superior mesenteric vessels in embryonic
life. Malrotation can present in any age group. Most of the patients present within rst month of life. However late presentation is rare, we present a
case report of 58 yr female with tuberculosis transverse colon mass with malrotation with ladd's band with sub acute intestinal obstruction. She
presented with epigastric pain,mass and vomiting. Patient underwent laaproscopic ladd's procedure and descending colon and ileum bypass with
Ileo Descending anastomosis , She had good postoperative recovery. In this article we describe our experience in creating descending colon and
ileum bypass with Ileo Descending anastomosis.
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