1. Junior Resident, Dept Of Gen Surgery, SMS Medical College And Attached Hospitals Jaipur
2. Head Of The Department And Senior Prof Dept Of Gen Surgery, SMS Medical College And Attached Hospitals Jaipur
3. Asst Professor, Dept Of Gen Surgery, Sms Medical College And Attached Hospitals, Jaipur
Pilonidal Sinus typically presents as an abscess, purulent discharge, or pits around midgluteal cleft.. In rare cases sinuses progress anteriorly
mimicking Fistulas in Ano. Clinicians and especially surgeons should be aware of this situation, in order to avoid reoperations and patient's
discomfort and frustration. These complex cases with secondary openings may create problems in diagnosis and treatment when the secondary
openings are close to the anus. In this case a single-stage surgical procedure for treatment of sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease with healing by
secondary intention is described
Law,Surgery,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Transportation,Automotive Engineering,Urban Studies,Environmental Science (miscellaneous),Urology,Urology,Urology,Urology