1. Department of Neurology , Dr. S.N. Medical College, Rajasthan University of Health Science, Jodhpur – 342001 , Rajasthan , India
BACKGROUND : Cerebral venous thrombosis is an uncommon cause of headache in our daily practice. However there is a need to identify its
various provoking factors because timely and appropriate therapy can reverse the disease process , its acute complications and long term sequel.
OBJECTIVE : To study the clinical prole in male Cerebral Venous Thrombosis patients .
METHODS AND MATERIAL : This is a prospective cross sectional study of twenty ve male Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT) patients
diagnosed in outpatient clinic of neurology department at Dr S N medical college from the September , 2014 to august , 2018. Their ages ranged
from 10 to 70 years with mean age of onset 31 yrs. All patients after taking informed consent with history suggestive of CVTand later diagnosed
by imaging of brain ( MRI and MRV) were included.
STATISTICALANALYSIS USED: All data were expressed as mean or patient's number (n) and percentage (%) as appropriate
RESULTS: Among 25 male CVT patients , majority were young seen in 20-30yrs with mean age of 31yrs. Most common clinical presentation
was headache [n=25(100%)] with or without vomiting followed by seizures [n=10 (40%)]. Most common site involved was transverse sinus
[n=23(92%)]. Papilledema was observe in 21 patients (84%). Alcoholism [n=8 (32%)] and hyperhomocystenemia [n=6(24%)] were the risk
factors seen in male CVT.
CONCLUSION: Cerebral Venous Thrombois is found to be signicantly high in alcoholic males. Compared to other Indian studies there was not
much disparity in clinical prole and risk factors.