1. MS,ENT,Medical Officer,Deptt.of ENT
2. MS,ENT, Professor & HOD ,Deptt.of ENT.
3. MD,Biochemistry,Assistant Professor ,Deptt.of Biochemistry.
4. MS,ENT, Assistant Professor ,Deptt.of ENT.
Disease of thyroid gland are among the most abundant endocrine disorder in the world second only to diabetes mellitus .
Thyroid diseases namely hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism,constitutes the most common endocrine abnormality in
recent years,diagnosed either in subclinical or clinical form.One observational cross sectional study was conducted in
the department of ENT, Tripura Medical College & DR.BRAM Teaching hospital involving 75 nos of subjects having
thyroid swellings. Mean value of T3,T4 and TSH was different in cases of euthyroid, hypothyroid , hyperthyroid and
subclinical hypothyroid subject. It was of statistically significant. Here P value of T3, T4 & TSH according to thyroid
hormone status were less than 0.05(α%) level of significance.There was statistically difference in average value of T3,T4
& TSH with different thyroid hormone status at 5% level of significance.We found that 9.3% of the study subjects were
having altered lipid profile.We found that 62.5% of hypothyroid subjects were having altered lipid profile . Amongst
them,all subclinical hypothyroid subjects were having altered lipid profile.Whereas hyperthyroid subjects were having
normal lipid profile.Two (3.07%) euthyroid cases were having altered lipid profile.We found that mean values of total
cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL and VLDL was different in cases of euthyroid , hypothyroid , hyperthyroid and
subclinical hypothyroid subject.It was of statistically significant.Here P value of total cholesterol,triglyceride,HDL,LDL
and VLDL according to thyroid hormone status were less than 0.05(α%) level of significance. There was statistically
difference in average value of total cholesterol,triglyceride,HDL,LDL and VLDL with thyroid hormone status at 5% level
of significance.
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