1. Senior resident, Santha Bhima Bhoi Medical College &Hospital,Balangir. Odisha - 767001
2. Asst. Prof in Paediatrics, Santha Bhima Bhoi Medical College & Hospital, Balangir.Odisha - 767001
3. Associate Professor of Department of Paediatrics, SCB Medical College and Hospital,Cuttack,Odisha-753007
4. Research Associate, CRO Pharmatrendz Private Limited. Bhubaneswar. Odisha-751014.
This hospital based observational cross sectional study having a sample size of 100 was undertaken at S.C.B. Medical
College and S.V.P.P.G.I.P.,Cuttack,with an objective to study the clinical profile and risk factors for wheezing in infancy
from November 2018 to November 2020.
Wheezing is accountable for a high demand of medical consultations and emergency care services with relatively high
rates of hospitalization.In this study, several risk factors were identified for wheezing in less than one year of age which
had little resemblance to similar studies made in various other age groups.However,maternal smoking as a risk factor
could not be found in our study due to social cultural lifestyle in the study population. Factors like caesarean section,
history of birth asphyxia, NICU admissions and living in kuccha house were not found to impose risk for wheezing in
infancy in the study in contrary to similar such studies in other age groups.The present study revealed, that among all
other etiology, the viral respiratory tract infections including bronchiolitis was the most common cause of wheezing in
infancy (64%) followed by WALRI (wheeze associated lower respiratory tract infection). In conclusion, if an infant with
wheezing has risk factors like male sex, preterm, more than six months age, family history of atopy or repeated upper
respiratory tract illness or overcrowding in family, anticipating the severity recurrence should be suspected. These
infants should be monitored closely for signs of clinical deterioration.
Proper health education,ante natal and neonatal care,promoting of breast feeding and creating awareness to the public
regarding modifiable risk factors like separation of family members having upper respiratory illness from young infants
will reduce the severity of wheezing and will help prevent their recurrence to much extent.