1. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Biomédicas. Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Perú.
2. Criocord, Lima, Perú.
3. Criocord, Lima, Perú
Introduction: Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) show some membrane markers that enable cell identification by flow
cytometry. One of them which is essential during the angiogenesis process is CD105 (Endoglin). This is very important
for various pathologies where it is required angiogenesis to regenerate tissues or organs affected by various acquired or
congenital noxae. To determine the phenotypic expression, CD105 angiogenesis factor, of ASCs obtain Objective: ed by
Selective Tissue Engineering Photostimulation (STEP ) with infrared light of 1210 nm compared to those obtained by TM
Gold Standard Suction assisted lipectomy/conventional liposuction technique (SAL). ASCs obtained by Results: STEP™
technique with 1210 nm laser were found to be highly viable (> 97%) and showed increased CD105 expression (90%)
and only <5% with the SAL. ASC had been obtained after application of the STEP™ technique is highly Conclusion:
viable and show higher expression of specific marker CD105 than the ASC obtained by SAL.