1. PG-3 Department of Pathology Gajra Raja Medical College M.P.
2. Professor Department of Pathology Gajra Raja Medical College M.P.
3. Assistant Professor Department of Pathology Gajra Raja Medical College M.P.
Background: The cytological interpretation of cells that are exfoliated into the fluids is of utmost importance as they
provide a clue into diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic aspect of various pathological process in the body. It also
clues about the primary site of origin.The present study was undertaken to analyze the spectrum of usual, uncommon
malignancies presenting as effusion in our setup and to determine the subtle cytomorphological feature that might aid
in their diagnosis.
Method: This prospective study was done on 50 metastatic fluids from various effusions. The smears were stained by
Giemsa and Papanicolaou (PAP) stains.After staining,the slides were scanned for cytomorphological patterns,nuclear
details, probable primary origin of the malignancy.
Result: A total 50 metastatic fluids were studied, of which 23 were pleural, 21 ascitic , 3 ovarian fluid , 1 CSF, cystic and
pericardial fluid each.The commonest age group was 61-70yrs with a slight female preponderance.The most common
cytomorphological pattern was 3-D clusters (52%) and the commonest cytological diagnosis was adenocarcinoma
Conclusion:Effusion cytology is the simple,convenient and economical technique in reaching to a particular diagnosis.
It provides an access to both clinician & pathologist to reach the diagnosis for further management of the patient in a cost
effective manner and thereby reducing the need for invasive investigations.