1. UGC Research Fellow, Psychology Department,Ranchi University, Ranchi, India.
Cyber bullying victims have the most noteworthy paces of suicidal ideation, requiring hypothesis and exploration researching self destruction and its avoidance in later-life. The experience of suicidal ideation is fundamentally connected with discouragement, sadness, negative wellbeing results, and mortality among cyber bullying victims. The research reported in this paper examines the impact of ethnicity, stream and gender on suicidal ideation among cyber bullying victim college students. The data obtained by stratified random sampling was based on three sub-groups of ethnicity (tribal and nontribal), stream (arts and science) and gender (male and female). The sample of 160 students was drawn from different colleges of Ranchi University. Suicidal ideation scaled by Dr Sisodia and Dr Bhatnagar was used to measure level of suicidal ideation. The findings obtained revealed that victims of different ethnicity and stream not differ to each other with respect of suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation of the female victim students is higher than male victim students. It confirms the role of gender effect on the suicidal ideation. No two and three way interaction effect of independent variables was found significant. In general there is a need of further exploration on bigger sample size and distinctive populace.