Aim And Objectives: Post-operative surgical complications are common in every surgery. The compulsive
postoperative surveillance is mandatory to identify and address post-operative complications at the earliest with the
help of simple,convenient,reproducible and comprehensive logical system.This study is aimed to grade post-operative
complications and incidence of wound infection after exploratory laparotomy according to clavien-dindo classification.
Material And Methods: This is a prospective study of 70 patients with acute abdominal conditions who required
emergency exploration of abdomen.This study was conducted inVDGMC Latur from December 2019 to May 2021.
Results: Out of 70 patients 46 were males and 34 were females. Mean age of our study population was 49.7 years (range
13-79). Majority of study population had exploratory laparotomy due to gastric perforation (18.6 %) and intestinal
obstruction (18.6 %).11 patients had no complications and remaining 59 patients developed complications.G1 includes
34.2%, G2 includes 25.7%, G3a includes 5.7%, G3b includes 4.3%, G4a includes 9%, G4b includes 1.4% and G5
includes 2.9%.21.4% patients had surgical site infection and Grade 1 complications were more common in our study.
Conclusion: We concluded that clavien-dindo classification is simple, easy and effective tool useful for analyzing,
reporting and addressing complications after exploratory laparotomy for abdominal pathology.
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