
Kumar P Janaki R P1,Ch Sreenivasa Rao2,N Lakshmana Kumar3,P Usha Kiran4


1. Resident, Dept of General Surgery, G.S.L. Medical College and General Hospital,Rajanagaram,Andhra Pradesh,India.

2. Professor and H.O.D, Dept of General Surgery, G.S.L. Medical College and General Hospital,Rajanagaram,Andhra Pradesh,India.

3. (Former) Professor and H.O.D, Dept of Biochemistry, G.S.L. Medical College and General Hospital,Rajanagaram,Andhra Pradesh,India.

4. Professor and H.O.D, Dept of Biochemistry, G.S.L. Medical College and General Hospital,Rajanagaram,Andhra Pradesh,India.


INTRODUCTION: The old axiom that a typical gallstone patient is a fat, fertile female of forty is only partially true, as the disease has been found in women soon after their first delivery and also in underweight and thin people. So while searching the literature for different factors, the Iron deficiency was found to be a new and interesting etiological factor in the formation of gall stones. Although the cause is still unclear, cholesterol Gallstones develop most commonly in multiparous women. This patient population is also prone to chronic iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Previous studies claimed a cause-effect relationship between iron deficiency and cholesterol gallstones. AIM - To assess the association between Serum Iron and Bile Cholesterol levels in people with normal serum cholesterol levels, which reflects the effect of Serum Iron levels in the formation of Gallstones. MATERIALS AND METHODS – The study was conducted in the Department of General Surgery, G.S.L Medical College, and General Hospital over 18 months. A total of 49 patients with cholelithiasis and normal Serum Cholesterol levels were included in the study. Serum iron and Bile cholesterol contents were analyzed. RESULTS – It is observed that there is a significant association between increased incidence of Cholelithiasis and Low Serum Iron levels among people with normal levels of serum cholesterol. CONCLUSION – Low Serum Iron was associated with increased Bile Cholesterol concentration, indicating a possible role of Serum iron in forming gallstones.


World Wide Journals

Reference25 articles.

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