1. Senior Resident in surgeryVDGMC,Latur.
2. Associate Professor in surgery,VDGMC,Latur
3. Assistant professor in surgery,VDGMC,Latur.
A hernia is defined as a protrusion, bulge, or projection of an organ or a part of an organ through the body wall that
normally contains it.There is still very limited evidence regarding prevalence, particularly in low-income countries, but
hernia repair is an extremely common general surgical procedure. The current hospital based prospective study was
conducted among 102 patients, 51 participants enrolled in Mesh repair and 51 for Herniorrhaphy presenting to the
Department of General Surgery at tertiary health care institute. with objectives to study the hernia repair with mesh
versus without mesh. Outcomes like hernia recurrence, postoperative pain, duration of operation, postoperative
hospital stay, time to return to activities of daily living & also to evaluate the benefits and complications of different
inguinal hernia repair techniques in adults studied. Total 102 patients were considered between age group of 15 to 35
years for present study from Aug.2019 to Jan.2022,after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. In each group 51
patients were operated.Majority of patients for mesh repair (70%) & tissue repair (60%) were belonged to 21-25 & 15 -20
years of age group respectively. Mean operation time for tissue repair (41.8 4.6) was more as compare to mesh repair
(39.7 4.3).Outcome like post-operative stay, post-operative pain, days required for return to daily basic activities were
significantly more for tissue repair as compared to mesh repair. In case of post-operative pain scale majority of mesh
group will have chronic pain compared with Tissue repair group. Hematoma & urinary retention were statistically more
significant in tissue repair (p<0.05).Wound infections,seroma,recurrence,reduced testicular perfusion,reduced sperm
count were more in mesh repair as compare to tissue repair out of that only seroma shows significant in mesh repair .
Concluded that the tissue repairs does not use a mesh, this makes tissue repair cost effective. Postoperative pain is
significantly less initially with Mesh repair but increased on day 7 and chronic pain is seen with mesh repair but is not
significant statistically. Most of the complications between 2 groups are not statistically significant except for seroma
significant in mesh repair,hematoma and urinary retention significant in tissue repair.
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