1. M.Sc.Nursing in Child Health Nursing Designation-Tutor at Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences, Patia, Bhubaneswar.
Background: “Superbrain Yoga is a simple and effective technique to energize & recharge the brain.It is based on the
principles of subtle energy & ear acupuncture.”(Master Choa Kok Sui, World Pranic Healing Foundation, India Research
Centre). A Pre experimental research design was Undertaken with 50 Students(7-10 ye Methods: ar) by using Non probability Convenient
Sampling at Somanath Sikhya Niketan, Sameigadia ,Bhubaneswar . Effectiveness of Super brain yoga on short term memory and selective
attention among school students is assessed by using digit span test & six letter cancellation test respectively. Collected data were analyzed by
using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that Maj Result: ority 36%(18) of school students were in the age group of 8-9
years, 32%(16) of school students were in the age group of 7-8 years and 32% (16) of school students were in the 9-10 years of age. 52% (26) of
school students were male and 48% (24) were female.Majority of school students 82% (41) were Hindu , Majority 38%(19) of school students
are in Std IV, 34% (17) of school students are in Std III & 28%(14) of school students are in Std V.52%(26) of school students belong to joint
family, 48% (24) of school students belong to nuclear family.The maximum percentage 42% of school students had the monthly family income
between 6327-18949, 36% . Highly signicant ,difference was found between pre and post test score and no signicant, association was found
between knowledge scores in relation to demographic variables . From the ndings Conclusion: of this study super brain yoga was effective to
improve score on short term memory & selective attention. There is no signicant association between knowledge score of school students in
posttest when compared to the demographic variables .
Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality,Nuclear Energy and Engineering,General Engineering,General Engineering,Nuclear and High Energy Physics,Nuclear and High Energy Physics,General Energy,Mechanical Engineering,Waste Management and Disposal,Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality,General Materials Science,Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Nuclear and High Energy Physics,General Engineering,Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Condensed Matter Physics,Nuclear and High Energy Physics
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