
Fathima T. Husna1,Vengatesh M. Prema2,Raghul R. Ram1


1. Final Post Graduate, Department of General Surgery, Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India

2. Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery, Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamlai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India


Fistula-in-ano is considered as one of the commonest cause for a persistent seropurulent discharge, irritating the perianal skin andcausing discomfort. This study deals with theetiopathogenesis of patients presenting with stula in ano at Rajah muthiah medical college and hospital, Chidambaram. The different modes of treatment and their efcacy will be compared further. Fifty patients were selected who were diagnosed as stula in ano admitted in inpatient basis during Oct2019 to Sept2021. Patient received tailored treatment. Data related to the objectives of the study were collected. Majority of patients belonged to the age group of 30-50 years which accounts for 68% of patients. Male being predominantly affected (80%). 80% simple stula out of which 64% male and 16% female. Complex stula constitute about 20% male 16% and female 4%. Intersphincteric 46.6%; transphincteric33.3% ; horse shoe 4%; anterior stula 2.6%.Fistulectomy is commonly performed i.e., in about 50% of cases with a mean durationof stay for 3 - 5days. The postoperative complication of recurrence was seen in 5 case (7%). after 90 days.We conclude that the most common type of stula is intersphincteric. Fistulectomy is the most commonly performed procedure. Recurrence was seen in cases associated with comorbidity. The newer modalities of treatment to prevent recurrence and avoid sphincter damage are yet to be implemented.


World Wide Journals

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