1. Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Jabalpur- 482001 India
External coaptation is dened as the use of bandages, splints, casts, or other materials to aid in stability and support for soft and osseous tissues.
Furthermore, external coaptation can help manage wounds and control edema. External coaptation can be used as either: Primary xation for a
fracture, ancillary xation to provide additional support, or temporary xation for an open fracture and/or until denitive surgical correction can
take place. External coaptation should only be used in fractures distal to the elbow and stie, as correct application requires immobilization of the
joints above and below the fracture. Certain splints, such as spica splints, can help immobilize more proximal injuries (humerus and femur). A cast
extended to the level of the proximal portion of the tibia caused less pressure at the level of the calcaneus and the proximal cranial edge of the cast.
Reducing the amount of pressure at these locations may minimize the potential for pressure sores and other soft tissue injuries (Iodence et al. 2018).
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5. Iodence, Ashley E., Anastasia M. Olsen, Kirk C. McGilvray, Colleen G. Duncan, and Felix M. Duerr. 2018. “Use of Pressure Mapping for Quantitative Analysis of Pressure Points Induced by External Coaptation of the Distal Portion of the Pelvic Limb of Dogs.” American Journal of Veterinary Research 79(3):317–23. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.79.3.317.