1. M.S, Assistant Professor Of Otorhinolaryngology, Government Ramanathapuram Medical College , Ramanathapuram.
2. M.S, Assistant professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Madurai medical college , Madura
Deviated nasal septum is one of the most common ENTnding . we did this study to nd out the clinical prole of deviated nasal septum
Materials and methods: This study is a prospective, observational,single-center study .The study was conducted in Government sivagangai
medical college hospital , sivagangai , tamil, India. A detailed clinical history was taken and clinical examination of the patient was carried out.
Sixty symptomatic patients were taken up. Patient scored their symptom-related severity using a Likert scale preoperatively. All patients
underwent conventional septoplasty. Postoperatively,their symptoms were scored on 30th, 45th, and 90th day.
Results: Preoperative and Postoperative values were analyzed.Statistically signicant improvement was observed in the entire population: Nasal
obstruction (p<0.001), headache(p<0.001), nasal discharge (p<0.001), facial pain (p<0.001),and hyposmia (p<0.001). Patient satisfaction was
high and they used fewer nasal medications.
Conclusion:After surgical correction of the septum and analysis of the subjective scale showed improvement in all symptoms.
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