1. Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, Medical College And Hospital, Kolkata.
2. PGTMD Anaesthesiology Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata
3. Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, Medical College And Hospital, Kolkata.
Lower limb surgeries may be performed under local, regional (spinal or epidural) or general anaesthesia, but neuraxial blockade is the preferred
mode of anaesthesia. Spinal block is still therst choice because of its rapid onset, superior blockade, low risk of infection as from catheter in situ,
1 less failure rates and cost-effectiveness. Intrathecal local anaesthesia alone is associated with relatively short duration of action and thus early
analgesic intervention is needed in post-operative period.
With use of dexmedetomidine in 3 different graded doses with hyperbaric bupivacaine intrathecally as regional anaesthesia for lower limb
This Prospective double blinded randomized controlled study. The study will be conducted in adult patients aged between 18-50 years undergoing
lower limb surgeries under spinal anaesthesia in orthopedic OT, dept. of Anaethesiology, Medical college & hospital, Kolkata. Duration of the
study One year (9 months for data collection & 3 months for data analysis, review& report writing). Total 63 patients in our study.
We found the mean of two segment regression time from highest sensory level in Group B was 130.56min; in group C was 171.34min; ingroup D
was 217.85min So, block regression was signicantly slower with the addition of intrathecal dexmedetomidine (Group D) as compared to group C
& B ( P < 0.0001) The mean regression time to S1 from highest sensory level for Group Bwas 289.43 min ( SD- 12.43) For Group C, the mean
regression time to S1 from highest sensory level was 402.71 min ( SD- 28.60) For Group D, the mean regression time to S1 from highest sensory
level was 584.43min ( SD- 38.92) Overall the mean regression time to S1 from highest sensory level was 425.52 min ( SD- 125.71) The sensory
regression time to S1 from highest sensory level was signicantly higher with increasing dose of dexmedetomidine i. e. D>C>B . (P< 0.0001).
We recommend the use of 10mcg of intrathecal dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to bupivacaine as it seems to be a good alternative to other
additives for long duration surgical procedures due to its profound intrathecal anesthetic and analgesic properties. It provides good quality of
intraoperative analgesia, thermodynamically stable conditions, minimal side effects, and excellent quality of postoperative analgesia.