1. Assistant professor Department of ENT-HNS American international institute of Medical Sciences Udaipur,Rajasthan
2. ENT Clinic,Muzaffarpur,Bihar
Background:- Thyroidectomy is a common procedure performed for thyroid disease these days. Plan of surgery
depends on histology, location and size of lesion.Thyroidectomy is preceded by conventional midcervical skin crease
incision, performed by Theoder kocher in late 1870, to advanced mininmal invasive technique. Minimal invasive
techniques have certain upright from conventional surgery.This study aims to study patient satisfaction for cervical scar
with thyroidectomy conventional kocher's incision.Material & Method:- Sixty five 65 patient underwent thyroidectomy
from September 2017 to February 2020 at American international institute of medical sciences Udaipur, Rajasthan.
Patient clinical data retrospectively reviewed and patient scar satisfaction acquired telephonically by using validated
patient scar assessment questionnaire and data analyzed statistically. Result:- Around 95% patients show high level of
satisfaction in the study having scores consistent with scar satisfaction after conventional thyroidectomy. Majority of
patients were satisfied with the appearance of their scars,around 5% of patients (n=3) reported significant levels of self
consciousness. Conclusion:- .Majority of patients were satisfied with their scars post thyroidectomy.Despite high level
of satisfaction there are people shows significant levels of consciousness.There is need of further study to decide certain
factor whether encouraging minimal invasive technique over conventional thyroid surgery.