1. Associate Professor, Dept Of Chemistry, Chinmaya College of Sciences, Haridwar.
2. MD Biochemistry, MBBS, HOD , Dept of Biochemistry, Sri. Venkateshwara Medical College And Hospital , Pondicherry
3. MD paediatrics , MBBS, Assistant Professor, Dept of Paediatric Rajah Muthiah Medical College
5. Young Scientist DST Department of Gynecology And Obstetrics Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education And Research, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700020, West Bengal, India
INTRODUCTION: Most studies of early programming focus on very LBWor extremely LBW, even though the majority of all LBWchildren are
2 born only with marginally LBW. The pathogenesis behind CVD is multifactorial, and for health care providers to be able to assess the risk of each
individual, we need to know more about this common subgroup.
AIM:Being born with LBWaffects later cardiovascular risk.
RESUILT: In Marginally LBW group, 4.7(0.6) patients had Fasting glucose(mmol/L), 2.7(2.3-3.8) patients had Fasting insulin(µU/mL),
0.57(0.4-0.8) patients had HOMA-IR, 4.4(0.7) patients had Cholesterol(mmol/L), 0.50(0.2) patients had Triglyceride(mmol/L), 2.7(0.6) patients
had LDL(mmol/L), 1.5(0.3) patients had HDL(mmol/L), 0.82(0.2) patients had ApoB(g/L), 1.4(0.2) patients had ApoA1 (g/L), 0.51(0.3) patients
had ApoB/ApoA1and 0.24(0.1-0.7) patients had hs-CRP(mg/L). In Controls group, 3.5(0.5) patients had Fasting glucose(mmol/L), 2.8(LD-3.5)
patients had Fasting insulin(µU/mL), 0.60(LD-0.7) patients had HOMA-IR, 5.5(0.8) patients had Cholesterol(mmol/L), 0.57(0.2) patients had
Triglyceride(mmol/L), 2.9(0.7) patients had LDL(mmol/L), 1.4(0.3) patients had HDL(mmol/L), 0.71(0.2) patients had ApoB(g/L), 1.4(0.2)
patients had ApoA1 (g/L), 0.57(0.1) patients had ApoB/ApoA1and 0.18(0.1-0.5) patients had hs-CRP(mg/L).
CONCLUSION: Some risk factors originating from the fetal environment cannot be changed after birth, good cardiovascular health can be
restored by inuencing postnatal risk factors before adulthood. There were no signicant differences in insulin, insulin resistance, hs-CRPor blood
lipids between the marginally LBWchildren and controls.
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