
Shashikumar M R1,Rajendrakumar Narasipur Lingaiah2,P Sanjay3,Puttaraj Nanjaraj Chakenalli4,Shruti Shruti5,Kavyashree Kavyashree6,Turamuri Rashmi U7


1. Professor And HOD, Department Of Radiology, AIMS Bellur

2. Professor And Hod, Department Of Radiology, MMCRI.

3. Assistant professor, Department of Radiology,MMCRI.

4. Professor And Dean & Director, Department Of Radiology,MMCRI.

5. Senior resident, Department of Radiology,KIMS.

6. Consultant radiologist, Narayana hospital,Shimoga.

7. Senior resident, Department of Radiology,BMCRI.


Introduction: HIE is often clinically suspected in the setting of a known perinatal stress event arising from a complicated or difcult delivery. The most sensitive and specic imaging technique for examining infants with suspected hypoxicischemic brain injury is MR imaging. It also gives information about the timing and specic patterns of injury and also suggest diagnoses other than HIE such as metabolic disorders and developmental disorders of the brain. MRI is also a useful tool in the determination of prognosis and also follow-up of HIE. Aim: This study was undertaken to evaluate the various MRI appearances of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in term and preterm neonates and to correlate the MRI appearances with clinical outcome. Materials and Methods: All neonates with history of birth asphyxia, referred for MRI examination to the Department of Radio-Diagnosis, K. R. Hospital attached to Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, during January 2018 to January 2019. All MRI scans were performed on GE optima MR360 1.5 Tesla. Sequences used were T1W axial, T1 FLAIR axial, T2W axial, T2 FLAIR axial, T1W sag, T2W coronal, T2W GRE axial, DWI axial and ADC maps. Results: 30 babies with clinically suspicion of HIE and positive ndings on MR imaging were evaluated in our study. Out of 30 babies, 18 were term and 12 babies were preterm. Periventricular luecomalacia is most common MRI pattern in preterm and central pattern in term neonates. 16 babies had abnormal developmental outcome at 6 months follow up study. 16 babies with diffusion restriction in corpus callosum, 12 had abnormal outcome. 7 out of 10 babies with loss of normal signal in internal capsule had abnormal outcome. Babies with diffusion restriction in basal ganglia had gross developmental delay. Conclusion: MRI is the modality of choice for evaluation of HIE because of excellent gray – white matter resolution, well-depiction of myelination pattern and multi-planar imaging capabilities. There is a strong relation between the MRI appearances of birth asphyxia and the clinical outcome. Therefore MRI has a strong role in prognosticating lesions.


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