1. MD Senior Resident, Department of Community Medicine Dr. YSPGMC Nahan, Himachal Pradesh, India
2. MS Professor and Head Department of Ophthalmology IGMC, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India.
COVID-19 is a emerging disease and is of public health importance.This study was done to analyse the trends of corona
pandemic over a period of one year in Himalayan region in India. Data regarding state statistics from January 2020 to
January 2021,was gathered from various sources. Since objective and authentic data was released by different agencies daily and reported to
WHO, so the state prole of new cases, cumulative cases, recoveries, cumulative deaths, samples tested, positive samples was taken based on
availability of information from National Health Mission site, other state websites and news papers and analysed for various parameters. The
current study conducted in Himachal Pradesh showed Case fatality rate as 1.7%, recovery rate 99% and positivity rate 6.1% with Shimla having
highest CFR 2.5%. Population wise most affected district was Lahul & Spiti with affected population 4.0%.It may be considered as a severe public
health threat of this decade. COVID-19 trends, pattern and its analysis will be very important for control and preventive measures.
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