1. Visioncare Super Speciality Eye Hospital, Meerut.
2. Dept. Of Ophthalmology, Command Hospital ( Northern Command), Udhampur - 182101.
3. Dept. Of Ophthalmology, Command Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal
4. Ipgmer And Sskm Hospital, Kolkata
Background: Bevacizumab is inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which plays a major role in physiological vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. Currently pegaptanib, ranibizumab and bevacizumab are the monoclonal antibodies used against VEGF.
Aims: To compare the efficacy of subconjunctival bevacizumab to that of subtenonmitomycin-C (MMC) on the wound healing process in trabeculectomy.
Materials and methods: Department of Ophthalmology, Command Hospital (Eastern Command), Kolkata. Patients of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma ( POAG). January 2016 –June 2017. Two groups: 30 in each group. (Calculated after assuming α error 0.05, power 80%). Randamization was done using website; patients were devided in two groups- Group A, who underwent trabeculectomy with mitomycin-C and group B, who underwent trabeculectomy with bevacizumab.
Result & Analysis: In both groups intraocular pressure (IOP) was taken in preoperative, 01month, 06 month, 12 month and 18 month post operative period. Percentage decrease in IOP from pre-op is studied at 01, 06, 12 and 18 months.
Conclusion: Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness throughout the world. It has become the second most common cause of bilateral blindness. Lowering of the IOP is the first priority in POAG with anti glaucoma medications, however if patient’s IOP is uncontrolled with maximally tolerated antiglaucoma medications or there is noncompliance to anti glaucoma medications then patients can be planned for surgery to achieve target IOP. Trabeculectomy is the mainstay of surgical management of glaucoma.
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